FXForeign Exchange

Swap Point Calendar

Swap Point Calendar

Today’s Swap Points

2025/02/20 data
通貨ペア (Currency pair) 日数 (Days) 買い (Buy) 売り (Sell)
ユーロ/米ドル (EUR/USD) 1 -714 680
米ドル/日本円 (USD/JPY) 1 1650 -1733
英ポンド/米ドル (GBP/USD) 1 10 -11
米ドル/スイスフラン (USD/CHF) 1 1490 -1565
米ドル/カナダドル (USD/CAD) 1 500 -660
豪ドル/米ドル (AUD/USD) 1 15 -16
NZドル/米ドル (NZD/USD) 1 -21 20
ユーロ/日本円 (EUR/JPY) 1 1200 -1260
英ポンド/日本円 (GBP/JPY) 1 2110 -2216
スイスフラン/日本円 (CHF/JPY) 1 450 -473
カナダドル/日本円 (CAD/JPY) 1 730 -767
豪ドル/日本円 (AUD/JPY) 1 950 -998
ユーロ/英ポンド (EUR/GBP) 1 -767 730
ユーロ/スイスフラン (EUR/CHF) 1 840 -882
英ポンド/スイスフラン (GBP/CHF) 1 1950 -2048
NZドル/日本円 (NZD/JPY) 1 870 -914

**************Swap Points Notes: ***************

※Swap points are 100,000 units in a given currency.                           

※Customers who hold positions in their trading account and roll over to next business day will receive or pay the swap points shown on the website.                                   

※Swap points are subject to daily changes in market interest rates, which reflect interest rate conditions due to various factors such as economic conditions and policies of each country. In addition, swap points will take time to be determined and may change irregularly.

※The amount of swap points received or paid may vary depending on the level of interest rates in each country, and in some cases, the direction of receive or pay may be reversed. In addition, recovery of margin may be required and loss-cut may be executed in some cases.

※The figures on this website are based on information at the time of publication, however it does not provide guarantee figures for the future or during transactions.



Type I and Type II Financial Instruments Business (Director-General of the Kanto Finance Bureau (FIEA) Article 236),Commodity Futures Trading Dealers (OTC commodity derivative trading)
Member Associations:Japan Securities Dealers Association,Financial Futures Association of the Japan,Type Ⅱ Financial Instruments Firms Association,Japan Commodity Futures Association,Japan Investor Protection Fund,


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