CFDContract For Difference

Outline of Commodities CFD trades

Outline of Commodities CFD trades

Product specifications

Available products

Spot Gold, Spot Silver, Crude oil(3 products)

Underlying Markets and Contract Month

Available products Underlying Markets Contract month
Spot Gold (XAU/USD) Spot market Spot CFD (None)
Spot Silver (XAG/USD) Spot market Spot CFD (None)
Crude oil (CL) NYMEX Contract CFD (monthly)


Available products Spread
Internet Trading
Spot Gold (XAU/USD) 40 Cent (4ticks)
Spot Silver (XAG/USD) 4 Cent (4ticks)
Crude oil (CL) 5 Cent (5ticks)

  There may be cases where trades are stopped by the government or the exchange due to natural disasters, wars, terrorism and changes in political and financial conditions.
There may be cases where the bid and ask widen due to contract month change and low liquidity making intended trades impossible.

Minimum trading unit

Available products Minimum trading unit(1lot)
Internet Trading
Spot Gold (XAU/USD) 10 troy ounce(toz)
Spot Silver (XAG/USD) 500 troy ounce(toz)
Crude oil (CL) 100 barrel(bbl)


Available products Quotation(tick)
Spot Gold (XAU/USD) 1 troy ounce(toz) 0.1$
Spot Silver (XAG/USD) 1 troy ounce(toz) 0.01$
Crude oil (CL) 1 barrel(bbl) 0.01$

Required margin

Margin is 5% of the notional amount calculated from the closing prices of the underlying assets on the previous day.
But we reserve the right to change the required margin when we judge it is necessary. The change date would be announced each time it happens
(As of Mar 7th, 2025)

Available products contract month Required margin
Spot Gold (XAU/USD) Spot 215,534YEN
Spot Silver (XAG/USD) Spot 120,670YEN
Crude oil (CL) Apr 48,993YEN

※Corporate customers As for spot gold trades, required margin applied is calculated by multiplying 1% to the Notional principal based on the closing price of spot gold on the previous business day. As for spot silver trades, required margin applied is calculated by multiplying 2% to the Notional principal based on the closing price of spot silver on the previous business day. Please contact us for details.

Commission fees

Free of charge

※But please be aware that telephone ordering fee of 1,000 yen per one lot would be charged for trades by phones.

Order methods

  • Market Order
  • Limit Order
    • It needs to be more than 10 ticks away from the current price.
      In the case of Spot Gold, it needs to be more than 20 ticks away from the current price.
  • Stop Loss Order
    • It needs to be more than 10 ticks away from the current price.
      In the case of Spot Gold, it needs to be more than 20 ticks away from the current price.
  • OCO order (One Cancel the Other)
    • The order prices need to be 10 ticks away from the current price and the two orders need to be   more than 20 ticks from each other.
      But as for spot gold, the order prices need to be 20 ticks away from the current price and the two orders need to be more than 40 ticks from each other.
  • IF - DONE Order IF - DONE OCO Order
    • It needs to be more than 10 ticks away from the current price and the two orders need to be more than 20 ticks from each other.
      But as for spot gold, the order prices need to be 20 ticks away from the current price and the two orders need to be more than 40 ticks from each other.

※Limit away from the current price may rise depending on the market conditions.

Time limit for orders

  Monday to Friday (Daily) Friday (Daily, GTF)
Normal time Effective until 7 AM next day Effective until 6 AM Saturday
Summer Time Effective until 6 AM next day Effective until 5 AM Saturday

Maximum lot for a single order

Up to 1000 lot per order

Interest (Daily)

As for spot CFD trades, daily interest will be received or paid when a position is carried over to the following day.
For buying trades, interest needs to be paid. For selling trades, interest will be received.
Daily interest is calculated every day and interest may have to be paid for both buying and selling trades due to interest rate conditions.

※ Wednesday is the three times day. But when the market is closed it varies each time.

Settlement Method

[Spot CFD Trade]Net settlement only.
[Monthly Contract CFD Trade]Net settlement or settle by compulsory closing trade at settling price on the last trading day.
※ New position cannot be made on the last trading day.

Settlement Deadline

[Spot CFD Trade]No deadline
[Monthly Contract CFD Trade]As for the Monthly Contract CFD trades, the trading products are listed on the exchanges and the last trading day is set for each product.

Profit and Loss

Profit and loss is converted into Yen at USD/JPY spot rate.

Alert notification

Notification by mail will be sent when the effective margin falls below 100%, 80% and 65% of the required margin.

Loss Cut Rule

(Loss cut rule A) All or a part of the position will be automatically settled when the effective margin falls below 50% of the required margin to avoid further losses until the effective    margin recovers to above 50% of the required margin.

(Loss cut rule B) All or a part of the position will be automatically settled when the effective margin falls below 5% of the notional principal calculated according to the law until the effective margin recovers to above 5% of the notional principal.

※Loss cut rule A does not guarantee 50% of the required margin.

※When loss cut rule A is applied, the final loss can exceed margin due to abrupt price changes etc.

Trust Custody

Sumitomo Mitsui Bank
Trust custody at Sumitomo Mitsui Bank.

Transfer Fee

Transfer fee for receipt is paid by the customer and transfer fee for payment is paid by the company for the first transfer of the month.

Trading time

Available products Trading time
Spot Gold (XAU/USD) From 8AM Monday to 6AM Saturday
(Trades are stopped from 7AM to 8AM)
Spot Silver (XAG/USD) From 8AM Monday to 6AM Saturday
(Trades are stopped from 7AM to 8AM)
Crude oil (CL) From 9AM Monday to 4:30AM Saturday
(Trades are stopped from 23PM to 23:05PM & 07:00AM to 08:00AM)

Summer Time

Available products Trading time
Spot Gold (XAU/USD) From 8AM Monday to 5AM Saturday
(Trades are stopped from 6AM to 7AM)
Spot Silver (XAG/USD) From 8AM Monday to 5AM Saturday
(Trades are stopped from 6AM to 7AM)
Crude oil (CL) From 8AM Monday to 3:30AM Saturday
(Trades are stopped from 22PM to 22:05PM & 06:00AM to 07:00AM)

Regarding payment and receipt of cash

Receipt of margin is confirmed by us in the company account with a bank and reflected in the cash balance of the customer account after we had completed the required procedures.
Transfer fee for receipt is paid by the customer.
When we receive the request for return of margin through i-trading before 1 PM on   the Japanese banking day, we transfer the money to the designated customer account within 4 banking business days.
If the request is after 1 PM, the transfer will be one business day later.
The transfer fee for domestic payment will be paid by the company.
(But the transfer fees beyond the first payment will be paid by the customer).
And the transfer fees for overseas payment will be paid by the customer.

Regarding tax for CFD trades

Profits arising from OTC Securities CFD trades (capital gains) need to be filed with the tax authorities as miscellaneous income from January 1 2012.

Tax rates are 15% for income tax, 2.1% x income tax as the special reconstruction tax and 5% for regional tax.
Profit and loss from OTC Securities CFD trades can be aggregated with other futures profit and loss. And if the net is a loss, it can be rolled for three years under certain conditions.
OTC Securities CFD trade profits gained by corporate entities will be included as income under the corporate tax calculation.

We submit payment records of the customers to the tax authorities with address, name and amount when OTC Securities CFD trades are settled.
Please ask professionals such as tax accountants for details.

Special reconstruction tax will be taxed additionally for 25 years from 2013 to 2038 at the rate of 2.1% (0.315% of the profit).


Type I and Type II Financial Instruments Business (Director-General of the Kanto Finance Bureau (FIEA) Article 236),Commodity Futures Trading Dealers (OTC commodity derivative trading)
Member Associations:Japan Securities Dealers Association,Financial Futures Association of the Japan,Type Ⅱ Financial Instruments Firms Association,Japan Commodity Futures Association,Japan Investor Protection Fund,


Requests for materials are accepted through telephone.